Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Things I despise

While there are many things that irritate me, there are only a few that really get my goat. Here is a list of some of the things I despise.
  1. Circus peanuts- To even look at those orange disgusting things makes me get a little bit sick inside. What are they made of anyway?...syrophome and puke?
  2. Nursing Homes- My mother used to work in a nursing home, and I can remember being a small girl and getting grabbed by a woman there. She was as small as me, but had this kung fu grip that turned my arm red. After she let go, she started smacking peas off of her plate all over the place. I was mortified. Even though I'm an adult now, I have a hard time walking in a nursing home. I get this horrible unconfortable sick feeling everytime. Not to mention the smell...ewwww.
  3. Crabby old people- I cannot stand those old people(whom I call cotton heads) that act like you owe them something. And the ones that drive 10 mph in a 40 mph zone. And especially the ones that are always clearing thier throats at restaraunts. (do they have no respect at all once they reach a specific age?)
  4. Guinni pigs- Dont get me wrong, I'm an animal lover. BUT, these are just worthless. If you try to pet them or hold them, they peel out and run for cover. They are a complete joke. I guess I dont really like hamsters much more..they are about as worthless. They are alot like cows, as they just eat and take a dump at the same time.
  5. Hairless cats- I dont think I could ever touch one. *shivers* I just cant even think about it.
  6. Rap music- If I cant sing to it, I hate it.
  7. Wind- I absolutely hate wind. I would rather be out in a thrashing rain storm, then to have to put up with the wind.
  8. Cherry flavored anything- I like real cherries, but I hate cherry flavored stuff. Like cherry popsicles, cherry gum, cherry jolly ranchers, cherry koolaid. *gags*

I'm sure there are alot more, but I have to go now. Let me know a couple of things you despise. Ta ta!


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